Simply [BLUE]

Day 1,575, 00:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Dear Reader,

It has come to my attention that a messy divorce is sweeping our fair (non) Nation as I type. HRH King Woldy the Weird has apparently been declared deceased by The Ministry of Home Affairs.

All is not as it seems...

As I have all seeing eyes when it comes to matters of the forum kind, I've found things.
It would appear that the so called death is not all it seems.

First off the King is very much alive if a little charred.

Secondly, it would appear that the Minister of Home Affairs is actually the disgruntled spouse of our beloved monarch. Indeed ladies and gents, it would appear that this entire "death" is an ill advised ploy by our disgraced and soon to be EX Queen Dishmcds.

Thirdly and this is the most worrying news. By prying into the Red Teams private forum I have been able to establish who they are intending on installing as King and spouse to Dishmcds...


Cads and bounders the lot of them. No moral fibre. Mick Hucknall lovers.

Needless to say Bob Save the King! May he bless all who sail in HRH Woldy the Wide.