Signs of an another stagnation in eRepublik

Day 1,456, 13:00 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

When we thought some days ago that Albania may freshen up things in eRepublik, it didn't occur, sadly for us of course. But the facts are simple and pretty much obvious, game is going to another period of stagnation and this time I doubt the game creators can or will dare to alter the military module to favour one side, you need something radical, something that we, you, I, all want but admins but due to game creators' big profit it, at least for now, won't happen. The game community looks at the game from another perspective, if there's a lack of real challenges and the game gets filled with bad mood from the community members, we can and will regard it that there is something bad, on the other side admins won't favour changes - they learned that by now - if there isn't a need for it, need can be with other words called finances, what keeps this game afloat, hate, idiocy, mutual nationalism closely related with worldwide capitalism and we could go on and on. Beware of the manipulations we are faced on daily bases and then stare at yourself and ask yourself if you ever succumbed to it, I would say the answer states yes and as such, you, as a part of the gamers, are possible to make a long-term vision where this game will lead to. Think of what will happen if people start massively leaving this game, what will happen if there's a huge global protest like some time ago. Remember, the more you "kill" an idea, the more it backfires on you, admins were proved that already, but again, we taught ourselves nothing and keep wasting tons of money on this, as to where we could all have fun just by simply clicking it without using gold as something that makes as unique to each other. I don't play this game to gain material gains, I don't play it to hate, I don't play it buy gold or to support virtual hate between nations, I play it to have fun, to enjoy what we are given and the possibilities in a big community are never-ending.

Old times depicted on the picture. The times, where strategy had its purpose, goals and fun.

If only the admins would be aware of that, would some of you state. Well, of course, eRepublik as a public game largely depends on public's opinion and spreading bad word about it won't get you any favours within the administration, or will it? Make sure that you aren't caught in a net of lies, in pointless arguments that lead to nothing - warmongery as being one of them and pointless conversations with nationalists that are the worst in their inside. This game had much potential long time ago, people actually believed it may alter the game scene, revolutionize multiplayer games, those expectations fell short. It wasn't due to inability to create something, it was due to the ability to create something bad. Doing something opposed to the community's thinking is like running through a field of fire and the results would be obvious - a big fail that resulted in a huge decline in shere numbers of eRepublik community. I'm not mentioning this without a reason, game is leading just to that, favouring gold-buying players on every step has its boundaries, but not here, it seems, and we are again given the feeling, thinking that we are less worthy opposed to them. I never had anything against those who buy gold, they finance this game, but from a bystander's eyes wasting real-life money on this game is like wiping your butt with it, it can really be compared to that.

An incredible feat by the Serbian side that managed to conquer half of the American regions together with Poland... Let's not forget, we would say that in the eRepublik v1, nowadays we regard a view like that as something normal and that thinking brought us to this point where game is more or less beginning to bore us.

At the end of eRepublik v1 this game had sense, it had emotions included, proud of being what you are and achieving something that you nation aimed at doing for some time - in the case of Slovenia that was the deletion of Croatia together with Hungary and Serbia. You may think those were just normal battles for us, they weren't they had a cost and a prize, if I may refer myself to that, feeling of achieving something that was regarded as unachievable from people is something that cannot be described if you didn't participate in it. A Slovenian some time ago stated that he was so nervous while watching the v1 battle for Prekmurje versus Poland that he compared it to watching a football game, where Slovenia won her ticket to the World Cup. It may give you some insight how people felt at the time, where battles had sense, when an attack on Slavonia by Serbia was regarded as a national holiday - basically. Some of you, newer players, may not know what some of us felt at that time and we all pretty much miss it. Things may have been bad some times, but they had positive things and destroying economy to get more profit from the few individuals that spend real-life money on this game is quite a foolish act, but hey, it was accepted after the ban of 12 presidents and things went back to normal then. People got used to it, whether they should or shouldn't is another question we can answer only to ourselves.

When you are advancing and successfully on the edge of conquering the entire USA you would expect to have some joy in doing that, wrong again. It just shows how pointless things have become and the MPP system that plays no vital role anymore. Game creators want balance in the game, why don't they alter the alliance system then, it may solve the entire problem of bigger nations sticking together just to get advantage over another, although they do not share any common feelings. This game had, has and will have many easy solutions if 2 guys in charge just listened to them, but hey, proving that you are an idiot may take up some time and few people have already shown signs of it.

Beware, game is you, game is we and at the end game is community that makes eRepublik what it is nowadays. Please, use your wisdom, players, and spread the idea about changes in this game, just sitting and not expressing yourself won't help much - having no forum doesn't help either, but hey, eRepublik staff showing their qualities again. When you aren't even bothered what is going on around the eworld, it is a clear signal that something went really wrong and that the game isn't what it used to be.

In the name of the blinded ones and sheeps.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly