Sheep? They are only good to eat...

Day 757, 13:59 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator">

Hello Ireland, Remember me?

Recently i have been in India fighting for freedom from the oppressive and vulgar Iranians. These times have been one of the best I've had in eRepublik so far as fighting for freedom is certainly engaging to say the least. I am learning a lot so far and wish to continue it. Also I have been touching up on my propaganda skills to be used for future media i create. The more diverse media is, the more engaging it is...

Why am I in India?

I wanted a break from Ireland that was the main reason as I've been so engaged with it for a while. This break in India is a chance for me to be as the good Edana Savage said "a sponge of knowledge," and to experience other things. My aim is to look at the country of India and bring back some ideas of how they manage their country etc which i can make relevant to Ireland.

There has been a lot of people saying "IRELAND NEEDS CHANGE!!!" lately.

What is the point in saying this if you do not act upon it, it is clear a few things need changing but if you point them out, look for a solution.

We do not need sheep, we need citizens with their own thoughts!!!

I will be back soon in Ireland to impart the wisdom I learnt upon you all 😉

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ex-Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico