Sex, Drugs, and RocknRoll!

Day 623, 14:16 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

This is my first article so bear with me.

This World War reminds me of a story I know. Its called "The Puppy Who Lost Its Way". The world was changing, and the puppy was..getting bigger, much like eUSA and its population boom. The Puppy is like "America" in that they were both "lost in the woods". The puppy ran away from home and got lost, much like eUSA "lost" half of its territories. And nobody, especially the little boy "society" knew where to find them. Except the Puppy was a dog. But America, my friends, that was the REVOLUTION!

Anyways, America. We need to fight back against PEACE. Join the REVOLUTION! Right now we are getting owned..owned in the anus. And it hurts! We were not prepared for this. We did not have the proper lubrication, and by lubrication I mean defence infastructures..not other things. We are in an uncomfortable position right now. We can cry to the authorities, but they don't care. They just like to watch and laugh at stupid nerds that take this game too serious. Tommorow is one of the most important elections.. like ever.. I personally will be voting for Emerick because he is Great. Why is he Great? Because I said so. You just can't really argue with that logic. Actually I'll be voting for him because he has a superior understanding of game mechanics, which we need desperately. Also he is strong and sexy...with foreign affairs! And that is good vote for him if you like awesome!
Vote up!