Serbia, Spain, Mexico

Day 1,268, 17:34 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States
Serbian Empire coming to an end?
As you all know Serbia is coming to an end, by the hands Croatia, Bulgaria, and the Federation of BiH(If I forgot anyone comment and I will add them. So three cheers for them. Of course this massive military failure by Serbia will call for leadership change, or they will just do the same thing over again.
To gauge the Serbian moral I took some paragraphs from there top voted papers. Now this being a literal translation, and some slang and misspelled words might be in there. Here is some of the top voted on the Serbian collapse:
“No hint is when you will come to the closing of these fronts, somehow it seems like mission impossible. It would be incomprehensible to pass at least one day to one of these four countries had not attacked a neighbor. Currently, the water here and the biggest battles in the game, since all the other campaigns funny in relation to these events, and rarely finish a battle that heroes do not have millions of influences ... After saying that it is boring, and bursting in all directions as we first went to war. What kind of fanaticism.

We'll see how it will affect the two front opening of the eastern front of the Polish (ABC alliance but war, but the arrival of Poles will only occur chaos), and future actions of the Greeks, and whether all prenagnuti in our favor or opposing.”-Brigadir. 407 votes.
Now this was the top voted paper, and this is the one who really did the subject, the others didn’t really touch on it. Moral isn’t that high in Serbia anymore I guess. No “Lets screw them!!” More of, we just want this to end, but I could be wrong.
Spain is trying to revive it self after its complete failure assault on the USA and other nations. Now I looked at the Spain papers…..all the good writes must have left. This is all I could find.
“We start with the national news. Today begins a new campaign against the American army in Cantabria and Galicia, hopefully this is more effective than previous ones.

Outside our borders the day today not disappoint us.

In Eamer the United tThis getting involved again with our Latin American ally and invaded the capital of Mexico.

The situation of the old continent is also interesting, eHolanda is being invaded by the giant Pole, which in turn is being attacked by the occupied timidly eAlemania.

To the south in the Mediterranean, the Italian Liguria rebellion yesterday scored a casting both our ally Macedonian encounters problems because Macedonia does not give up and re-invade the area.

There are also campaigns invasion of eEslovaquia to eAustria of eBosnia to eSerbia of eSerbia to eCroacia and eBulgaria and eRumanía to eHungría.”- Von Omega Leonart. 16 votes.
There assault on Cantabria and Galicia, failed of course. Now the real qestion is will Spain conside, and if so when?

They’ll give up soon, or die.

Editor: Chris Hartman
Thanks for reading.

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