Serbia recreating Yugoslavia and a Macedonian hardship (part 1)

Day 1,395, 09:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

The following article is a translation from Slovenian newspaper. It's an analysis of the current Balkan war. Many readers seemed to be interested in a translation, so I put it here for those that would like to read about that part of the world. Many superpowers are involved on that front, so the situation development there should reflect somehow to the rest of the world in a sense that a lot of fighting force is tied there at the moment. Thanks for the original article go to Howly.

"Not so long ago one of the biggest losers and today one of the winners" is a sentence that most accurately describes Serbia and it's shape on the map of the world today. After fairly unexpected wipe out by the three EDEN countries (Croatia having a leading role there) Serbia strikes back and wipes out Croatian original regions. From that point of view Croatian territory shrinks to that on the Apeninian peninsula, the territory that, due to some tactical advantages there, is out of reach. Similar fate to that of Serbia could happen to Hungary, where the wipe out was prevented by last atom of strength of the ONE alliance. One has to ask himself what's the further Serbian goal after this, since path across Romania is a dead end. Maybe they'll decide to collect Italian land resources next and thus repeat Croatian fate from the times at the end of v1.

Serbia displays its military muscle accompanied this time with the brain. After being wiped out Serbia returns the favor to their neighbors, a favor they'll never forget.

War among Hungary and Romania is again in a state of total nonsense, while Bulgaria successfully defends it's Ukrainian possessions against the Poles.

Balkan, the so called barrel of gunpowder, is after a period of relative peace, again griped by constant wars. The situation will culminate to the point of one country giving up and losing most regions and the independence. Some countries never learn. Interesting fact that by conquering Croatia, Serbia forms a shape similar to that of former Yugoslavia, and I ask myself, will that raise the emotions in some people and the expectations that former Yugoslav nations should cooperate and defeat their opponents that spread their influence on account of Balkan wars... take example of Poland, that occupies France, Germany, and part of Holland for quite some time now.

to be continued...

two more chapters later on...

Queen of Africa and Asia pale shadow of its former glory
on Macedonian hardships and inferior complex

In times of turmoil Slovenia keeps a cool head
on Slovenia being tied down from intervention in France

translation by:
Jack Jockson, United Kingdom