Sentrum Elections

Day 1,242, 02:42 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Due to the new media [sarcasm]improvements[/sarcasm] I expect this to be totally ignored but anyway....

I am running for PP of Sentrum this month, unopposed as it turns out. Just another nail in the coffin of Norwegian democracy (not me of course, the lack of choice!). Even the PTOers have moved on now! We've got a very small active population and a political scene that could be described as flat-lining. And this is even before the summer which has traditionally seen Norway fall completely asleep. Why we need 7 parties is beyond me as there are hardly any disagreements between the 30 or so truly active citizens.

But anyway, enough of the mild self-deprecation, what am I going to do with the party?

Shuffle along as usual I guess. And its almost not worth making any policies because a) the economy is so immensely screwed there is nothing any government can do about it b) Admin will change the entire game from one week to the next so planning for the future is next to impossible.

But despite that I'll plough on anyway:

1) Absolute allegiance to EDEN. Let's be frank, the loss of Sweden to the other side is worrying. But they've destroyed alliances before so its understandable, expected even. But we're not like that. We are loyal to are brothers in arms just as they were loyal to us in our dark days. So that's why Sentrum supports Norway in EDEN. That's what we're about to do what we are about to do in Finland.

2) Taxes. Taxes used to be only really of interest to company owners, but now everyone owns a company. Everyone makes their own stuff. That means lower tax incomes for the country. If we are serious about staying alive as an independent country then we need a good stream of income. I haven't quite figured out what to do, but all I know is that stuff needs doing. And plus its the only thing we can really mess around with without the nod from our allies.

3) Get more people in politics. There are supposedly 378 people in Norway. 93 of whom belong to a party. Getting even a fraction of the other 285 into politics could revolutionise the scene for the better.

4) Be around a bit more. I got annoyed with Admin and the economy a while back, so I had a little break, a little holiday (Cuba is very nice by the way) but now I'm back in the groove, still annoyed with Admin and the economy, but more relaxed. So I'll be on the forums, on IRC, ready to help or whatever. Weekends? Maybe not so much, but otherwise I'll be there and be active.

Oh unless anyone has any objections I will rename the party Teknokratene. Yeah, that's right. Didn't expect that one coming huh? I used to think trying to reclaim the past was a dead-end. Norway had move on and build new parties and new communities. But the resurrection of Gullpartiet has changed that. And basically Gullpartiet needs its old foe to spar with. I remember the glorious election battles - maybe one day soon we can see them again.