Seeking employees MD Weapons Co.

Day 761, 13:48 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

I'm writing this article today to sollicit Manufacturing workers to come work for a Peruvian company I'm financing called MD Weapons Co. Since I'm already running Pantops Weapons, based in Italy, my friend is administrating the company for me.

The problem I face in the Peruvian economy is that there is a shortage of well-trained manufacturing workers. As you can see here, Peru has an average manufacturing skill of 1.75, with only 49 skill 1 workers and 13 skill 2s. Obviously, this is too few to keep the company fully staffed, which is why I am prepared to pay workers to move to Peru and work for MD Weapons.

I offer two options for your payment: market wages for the duration of your employment, or minimum wage plus all the Q1 weapons you produce. You can find the job offers here, and if you're interested, I ask that you either reply to this article or send me a message to let me know how you'd like to be paid.

To give you a frame of reference, here is a comparison of Peru's present wages for a Q2 manufacturing worker with other nations around the New World -

.0494G - 3.8ITL
.0729G - 4.5AUD
.0935G - 5PEN
.097G - 5.21IEP
.097G - 3.90USD
.0976G - 5.75ZAR
.1015G - 3.40GBP
.1476G - 4.75CAD
.1504G - 5.09GRD

As you can see, Peruvian wages are comparable to those of Ireland, the US, and South Africa, and markedly higher than Australia's. India does not presently have any Q2 offers on the market, but their skill 1 wages are comparable -

.058G - 3.1PEN
.064G - 2.4INR