Secret Lotto -winner-

Day 4,543, 15:35 Published in USA USA by KingTaco

Congrats to our Secret Lotto winner, Wilker Nath!


The secret lotto was an online-only lottery that was unannounced to eRepublik. I appreciate everyone that entered - please keep an eye out for more to come very soon!

The lottery assistance program will be raised from 100 Q5 food to 200 Q5 food
Apply here: Lottery Assistance Program
This program uses the Endorsements from your posts to provide quality tacos to members of the CODE alliance. Thank you for your support.

Support the lottery
Please may I have some help, sir/madam? Sponsor the lottery if you have some spare change so I can keep throwing money at you all! I can certainly go on for a little while longer but anything helps.

Much love,