Sebagai WNI Saya Tidak Terima Pernyataan Pada Artikel Ini -- RA Please

Day 1,012, 08:20 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by mistervicks

sebuah artikel frustasi dari seorang warga eaus cukup mengusik rasa kebangsaan saya,
sedikit saya kutipkan

To the Indonesians I say this. You are shit, your country is shit and you are full of trinket sellers, whores and terrorists irl. Australia gave you a billion dollars when you had massive earthquakes and tsunamis rip through your country and you repay us by killing australians in terrorist attacks in Bali and Jakarta.
Well, fuck you all and the next time you want money from Australia you can go and fuck yourselves.

So with that all being said, there is only one thing left to do:

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Kita memang tidak bisa menafikkan kondisi RL dengan Erep, sepeti kasus RL malingsial dengan kita, tapi ini Artikel dimari sudah sangat menghina. Maen Game sampe segitunya.. paraaaahhh