Seasons Greetings

Day 391, 14:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Revo Hagalaz

Seasons Greetings & best wishes to all who play Erepublik and who read this, especially those of you who, like myself, celebrate Yuletide and the festival of Ygdrisil, rather than the Christian hijacked version of these festivities.

None wiccan friends often tell me that they don't really understand the significance of many of the traditional things that they do at this time of year, from a Christian perspective. If only they took the time to learn about the Pagan & Wiccan celebrations that Christmas originated from it would all make much more sense.

The festival of the tree of life, Ygdrisil is dominated by decorating a tree and giving gifts, to signify the gift of the runes that Odin brought forth from the bowels of the earth, by hanging from the tree by his ankles and reaching down to bring that gift to mankind. Yule and the Winter Solstice is a festival of light and lights are used to celebrate the return of the longer days and shorter nights. This is a simple way to introduce you to the traditional roots of the real meanings behind the celebrations of this time of year, but already you can see more clearly why we do some of the things that we now wrongly associate with the Christmas celebrations, can't you?

Think about this and maybe learn more, if it makes more sense to you now, as it does to most people when it is explained that way.

Have a wonderful time this Yuletide and Ygdrisil festival.