School for new players! Learn how to play this game! (by Thanasis Klaras)

Day 1,290, 04:40 Published in Ireland Greece by Thanasis Klaras

Dear friends,

I am writing this article because I would like to help some newcomers. I wish I could help all of them but unfortunately I cannot afford it.

So, this is the plan.

I have created a q2 food company and a food row company. Yesterday, I have created a q3 weapon company and a weapon raw company.

Now, look what’s going on. The plan is that people will work at these companies. They will receive supplies and not salary. The cost of the supplies that they will receive it will be bigger than the salary that they could earn for their working skill.

Secondly, everybody will receive the same supplies. There will be no difference if you are level 4 or level 14. This happens because the point is that these people will cooperate with me and we will help each other. Obviously, I will cover all the costs without waiting anything in return except teamwork and quick growth of my team.

How will this work?

Everybody will work at the weapon raw company. The raw that we will produce there will be used in order to construct our weapons. We will produce all the supplies that we need by our own. The cost for everything more that is needed will be covered by me.

This operation will take place for a month. The goal is that some new players that have just joined the game, learn the game mechanics, learn how to work with each other, learn to help each other, have a quick growth and finally avoid mistakes that all if us had done as new players.

So the point is:

1. Daily supplies provided.
2. Everyday training using the 0.19 booster.
3. IRC Chat for lectures about the game and answering questions.
4. Altogether fighting.


1. 100 wellness per day.
2. 7 q3 weapons per week
3. 0.19 g per day for training.
4. If we produce more supplies we will get also more supplies.


1. You must be 0 – 16 level in order to join the “course”.
2. The “course” is for one month.
3. The class is a class of 11 people.
4. Everyday training using the 0.19 booster.
5. Daily login for one month.
6. Daily login to the irc chat for questions and lectures.
7. I do not care about you political opinions or if you are in a party.
8. You will receive your next day’s supplies after your login and after you send me a pm that you are waiting for the next day’s supplies.
9. I will choose the 11 “students” after I receive your pms asking to join.

If we manage these 11 players not to give up the game during this 1 month and then these 11 are new but active members of our community, we will have achieved our main purpose.

Finaly, I invite every experiensed player who want, to join this effort take part in the IRC Channel as a "teacher".

So, I am waiting for your pms! You will be informed shortly about what’s next!

PS.1: Every donation to me will be used for the course.
PS.2: This is an experiment. If it works, we will do it again with more "students".
PS.3: I am sorry about my bad English! 😉