Scandal in Russia, robbing the Treasury (Edited)

Day 634, 13:51 Published in USA Hungary by Domus Mercatoria

Martin Blumen,the Russian president who came to power with impeachment today plundered the treasury, and disappeared. He going to "illegality". The Duma started against Blumen the impeachment. If its suceed, the new president will be Moredan, who IRL american. ( Russians fear, Mordehans first step will be to give back to eUSA the occupied territories.
The Treasury's disappearance may have an impact on eHungary, russians not know how they paid for the remaining companies of the Ural Mountains. Around 2000 gold has yet to be paid, country have in separately orgs now 450 gold and 8000 rubles.

The situation the expresident, UncleDed try to handle. Personal responsibility he has of the Treasury's org, Blumen at the time of receipt is not signed the contract, which is now found it.

Some already fear that Blumen "just for fun" or for eAmerican gold, start retiring in the North American continent.

First article:

UncleDed article

Magnus Gasparus