Scandal! A planned invasion on Europe by President.

Day 124, 08:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Mina Chang

I have received information regarding the pacts that our country has formed with the countries of: Pakistan, Indonesia, and Iran

When our President, YudhArifin Jr of the LPC, was approached about his choice, he had replied with

“Asian Nations should combine their power to overthrow the West Colony.. So are u with me or not??”

When my source refused to go along with his plans he said

"LOL.. I knew it.. You weren"t even Asian after all.. Screw you and the whole people in japan.. I wish you were the president of Japan though.. Beware of any invasion from Anywhere!!!!"

A new side of our president has been shown.

As I stress on and on, China should continue to try to get our economy straightened out.

With elections in 9 days, will this new information play a vital part?