Scam house organizations!!!

Day 879, 15:02 Published in Russia North Macedonia by MakedonecMKD

Hello now I have some bad news. I have to warn everyone that the organization House Reseller is scam! First I gave him 27 gold for q5 house, he told me that is safe, because I can trust him. But no! Now I have 0 gold, and I can get Heart Attack (almost). I kindly ask you to donate me how much you can. You can donate here Donate MakedonecMKD. No matter what will be, gold, rub, rsd, NO MATTER. I don't want anything like this to happen to all of you so I'll add some other scam organizations / citizens who 'sell' houses:

House Reseller
A - Z Houses
Alpha Centauri 1
Bukkake Warriors
buy and sell
Chilean Express
Dark 8
Costea El
EDEN Reserves
El Corporation
House Empire
inversiones s.l
Iron Org
Kitteh Cubes
Latvian Trade
Latvian Green Berrets
Latvijas Banka
Lupii Carpatini 3
Pandora House #2
Pro Skill
QN Asia Division
Quiz Corporation Group
Weapon's TO
United Trading

These are the pictures in which you can see that the House Resseler org is working illegally!

Right click, view image

You can clearly see that I donated him 27 gold and expecting q5 house...

Right click, view image

But now I've got 2 items - 2 q1 breads from him!!! I know that many of you were tricked same as me...