Say YES to Jizz...Again and Again...

Day 471, 08:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

I've seen a lot of things in my life. I've seen 40 million tongue-clicking-goat-riding Japs over run half of my beloved South Africa. I've seen my native lands raped and scourged by every foreign invader imaginable. I've seen our economy turn to a basket case more times than I'd like to count and seen our treasury robbed by foreign infidels, crooks, schemers, and fascist Neo-Nazis. But the one thing I never thought I'd see was the day when my sweet Jizzie McGuire would be so suitably poised to turn our beloved country around and Walk with Jah to deliver us from what has been a perpetual Babylon. Jizz has been with me through it all, the torture camps and shit mills of Japland, the Rape of South Africa under the terrible Zockyist croation Regime, and the stagnation of recent times under the current ruling party. He is a strong, tender man, an incredible patriot, and a wonderful secret lover.

I urge ALL South Africa, regardless of party or political affiliation, to vote for Jizzie McGuire for President. Throughout it all he has always managed to rise above the petty politics of the day and is a true leader, champion of the people, and a pragmatist at all times. I can think of no better person to lead the nation that we all love and have endured with than Jizzie.

Jah Bless