Saving Private What's-His-Name

Day 475, 12:28 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

Settle down boys and girls,settle down.No one needs saving,'cept for Keegan maybe,but we'll get to that later.I'm betting I've got you a bit confused,so I'll clear the air for you.I am,if you will, your new Field Commander of the Paratroopers and this is what I have to say about our first op in the new and improved formation.

I'm guessing you're all dieing to know how things went during the first day of our little "field trip",if I may call it so.So here goes:
I was the first to reach Romanian soil and I must say that despite teritorial losses and the gruesome battles being fought on more fronts than I care to count, Bucharest is still shinning like a jewel,the pubs are still open,the ladies are looking mighty fine(that is,I'm afraid a more than personal opinion😃) and the drinks are still strong.So not much has changed,not apparently of course.
Seeing as the operation was not officially under way,I decided to pay a visit to an old friend of mine,a gun smuggler which I will not be naming in accordance with his wishes.After a short,but none the less brutal drinking spree I ended up getting four Q1 muskets for a pittance.
I staggered to the front line and proceeded to randomly shoot Huns(short for Hungarians,not really trying to offend anyone) and Indos and scream out some of the worst obscenities the frontline had heard in quite a while.

As you can probably imagine,the next day found me terribly hung-over and sleeping next to an unknown woman.So I did the solidery thing and hauled my back side out of that q1 shack with the speed of light.I'm guessing nine months from now,that nice young lady will have a surprise for
me.Hopefully she doesn't read the S.A media.

Later that morning,as I was aimlessly walking the streets I heard a large roar,that only a South-African made vehicle could have made,as I turned to look I noticed Brendan driving down the boulevard like mad,with Michael Hanson in the passenger seat,yelling something about how he couldn't get through to these people.I jumped in and gave both a pat on the back.They looked at me half-angry half-amused.I realized it was a tad late for their time zone and that they had just arrived and were probably exhausted,also the fact that my eyes were as red as traffic lights didn't make them too happy either.And when I learned that they had already fought I realized how close I was to getting my ass kicked.We got to the Paratrooper camp outskirts of Bucharest and debriefed,after which Brendan and Michael fell into some sort of a coma.I didn't want to bother them so I went outside to check on the troop presence and brief the Platoon Commanders.To my surprise I was greeted only by one of the three expected commanders.The situation was not as desperate as I had believed at first.Xanthaus reported that there were five paratroopers who had not fought today(sans me and Xanthaus).So me,Xanthaus,Draeken Andrerson,Koror,Sacrosanct,Erdwurm,Ali Mentary and Keegan Grey(who was looking mighty excited to be here) took our muskets(Cheers Mrs Engels!!!!They truly came in handy),got in the truck we had requisitioned in Hunland and we were off to the front-line.The Indos in our sector were quickly cleared out,as Brendan and Michael's guerrilla warfare really shook them.The only problem is that good ol' Keegan got a bit too excited about fighting and ended up too close to enemy lines,where he was wounded.Fortunately we had our good doc. Ali with us;Boy oh boy was that a sprint Ali did under fire from the Indos who realized the mistake that was being done.Don't worry kids and kidettes Ali is unscratched and Keegan is in a cozy Hospital bed with 4 or 5 nurses looking after his sexy ass.So don't cry about the guy's fate.
The rest of our improvised platoon dug our trenches and got to drinking some serious tzuica.We were shortly joined by Hanson and Brenny.The Romanian front is always fun. This truly is a Paratrooper's life;sitting in the trenches,waiting for the next fight,yelling out random obscenities to the other side...aah the smell of freedom.

However it's not all fine and dandy.We have 5 paratroopers(2 platoon commanders and 3 regulars) that are MBA(missing before action).If you happen to see:Clint le Roux;J Loots;Motku;Paddy O'Connor or N4ked Sn4ke get their asses on a plane to Bucharest.We're waiting!!!(The only trench on the whole front-line with a South African banner boys!You can't miss it).Hopefully the party will be louder tonight(or today,depending on your timezone) with the additon of our missing members.

Also I can't end my story about our first day on the front without mentioning our independent and deadly Mrs. Engles.I don't think I've ever seen a lady handle a heavy machine-gun like that.She cleared three or four trenches today without even breaking a sweat.Hope to see you around the bonfire tonight Mrs. Elizabeth!!