Saudi Arabian Invasion [Indian Ambassdor to Saudi Arabia]

Day 1,215, 13:10 Published in India USA by India101
UPDATE: The Egyptian government is currently telling their people to hold fire so this may not be the end of Saudi Arabia.

It looks to me that the country of Saudi Arabia will be wiped off the map by the Greek government. I ambassador to Saudi Arabia would like to reassure the Saudi Arabian people and tell them that many countries have been wiped off the map, and have came back. Ours is a great example of this, as we were wiped off by Pakistan in November of 2010. I would also like to inform the Indian people that Saudi Arabia was peaceful with our country, but now as Egyptian forces storm Asir, the Saudi Arabian capital we would like to offer our farewells. Please don't give up hope, as it truly is a tragic site to see such a new country be wiped off the map.

Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia