Saoirse - The Cutting Edge of Technology - Video Release and New Website Launch

Day 697, 13:50 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
The Saoirse team have been very busy recently making Saoirse different from the other partys in eIreland. We are already the only populist party and pro military, but we thought we'd take it one step further. We have got lots of new things which were time consuming to make, but they were definately worth it to make.


The video is a Military themed, as Soairse is a pro-military party and is for recruitment to both the IDF and Saoirse. A video is really a great leap for the Irish people, there is only one of video i know that is released for eRepublik, the official Hungarian army video. This truly shows how Different Soairse is, for a party in the small country of eIreland punching high above their heads and the effort everybody puts in. Top Gun made it!


The website has been built aswell as the forums as at Saoise, we feel recruitment needs to be taken further than Newspapers and Adverts. Interactive websites are the new future and Saoirse is leading the way. This website encorporates the party's colours along with information on Saoirse's policies and forums along with the array of imagery associated with Saoirse.

Website Link (Video is on the Website)

Thank you for reading, if you want to ask anything, comment below

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Congressman of Saoise
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland
IDF Reserves Chief of Guard