Saoirse Political Party - The Origins and Present State of Saoirse

Day 721, 04:45 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator">

The Origins of Saoirse


The founders of Saoirse were Niall H and clownprince37 with micktrim being with us all the way. It was founded from the remnant of Fianna Fail, Irish Citizens Front and a previous attempt to build a party called An Pairti Saor.

The idea has grown from a small and depleted party of 36 to the party of 73 we have today. This is due to the great leadership shown by the party presidents so far. Saoirse has been in front of all other partys in Technology with animations and a video.

The Present State of Saoirse

Recently out Party President, well known and loved Irish citizen, Top Gun got banned. It is a major loss to the party. Rollo Tommassi has taken over the reins as Party President and will lead us onto a new era of enlightenment.

The Website and Video


Heres some Screenshots

Main page with video

Forums page with link

NEW Games page

Like what you see? Join Saoirse Today!

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Recruiter for eIreland
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico