Saoirse - News + Our Ideology

Day 638, 13:50 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

- Saoirse is now eIrelands 4th biggest party!

- clownprince39 has been elected as Saoirse's Party President and appointed Niall H as his Vice.

- Saoirse is hoping for a increase in congress members from our current 2.

- Will all members who are running for congress please sign into the Saoirse party forums and go to the general section then sign into the thread i made.

Our Ideology - Populism

The word populism is derived from the Latin word populus, which means people in English.

"Populism is a political view that promotes "the people" versus "the elites".

This is in contrast to elitism, aristocracy, synarchy or plutocracy, each of which are an
ideology that espouse government by a small, privileged group above the masses.

At Saoirse we have interpreted Populism as having all members equal input into the party not just the highest level members, doing this is really giving power to the people. We want to make sure that the younger members have there say as they will be our succesors and have a differnent un-spoiled view of eRepublik

Thank you for Reading

Niall H