SamGibz Manifesto: SAL in Free State

Day 828, 09:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
Hello eSouth Africa,

I, SamGibz, am running under SAL in Free State these coming Congress Elections. I am the current Minister of Information and a highly active individual. I very much agree with SAL's view and do my best to make sure they are given in congress. I have been a Congress Member for 2 terms previously and have enjoyed such a privilege immensely. I am a safe candidate who will represent you in government and I, as all Congress Members, strive to see the eSA go from strength to strength.

Things that I would like to see from government is the expansion of our Military, a further population growth, to encourage further business development within the eSA (These new Modules will hopefully be able to benefit the eSA) and to try rid government of negativity. I very much believe we all need to work together under one banner that shows our message.

You notice that my Manifest is much sorter than other candidates, this is becuase I believe that we are here for YOU. We are here to represent your view as it is our country. As a member of congress we think of legislation as the time moves on to suit the need of the eSA, so it would be very difficult for somebody to set out there own legislations they wish to see being carried through. Also, one man cannot make that much of a difference unless he can influence others, or have support behind him. So remember, when you vote for a congress member, you vote for the party they belong too as it is the their party veiws that will come accross, so vote SAL by ensuring that I and all SAL members can make it into congress.

So vote SamGibz in FreeState! – I don’t let you down.


Minister of Information
Ambassadors to eUK and eFrance
Former Commanding Officer
Former Director of Education