SamGibz for President

Day 1,014, 16:28 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
Warning: You will find no pretty pictures, just a wall of text!

I am once more asking for you to lend me your vote this Presidential elections. I ran previously 2 terms go to be your President, but despite strong support from influential people, I was unsuccessful. I was second in the election results, and was asked to be Vice President, I role I enjoyed thoroughly and learnt a lot from.

We then entered the beginning of what can only be describe as a period of many dark days and dark nights under the grip of a foul, greedy cheater that is Stadler City who players for no other reason but for his own self gain at the cost of the fun, the hard work and the enjoyment of others. A selfish act that I will not let rest due to the dishonourable methods he obtained control of our country. He impeached Stryke Blayde my victor which places me as President of South Africa for a period of 8 day. These 8 days became the steepest learning curve of my eRepublik career, and the most enjoyable also. During the 8 days I tried to hold a crumbling nation together, gain support from the eWorld and then went on to win Grimstone a place in history by leading a ATO effort. This created a path to victory. Or so I thought.

Since that moment we have had many painful set backs. First with the Party Elections and now with the Congress Elections. We do our best to to keep ajar that ever closing door that Stadler is pushing with the help of the many Multi’s that support him. Our Ministry of Security does its best to cut down the number of Multi’s, but it was unfortunately not enough. We should however commend and thank their efforts. If they were to stop the work they commit we would be gone by the next election forever.

I am blabbing and so I will cut to the important part. Why do I want to run for Presidency? What will I do for my country? The first is simple. When I was President before I loved every twist and turn. Every problem that was thrown at me. The challenges I had to face. I enjoyed the responsibility and importance I held. Most importantly, I enjoyed the team that worked around me making my ideas possible. I want to set this country on track once more to getting out of this mess with some decisive action that will be carried out, not just proposed in some Manifesto. I split as you will usually find this Manifesto into several sections covering different topics. We are in a PTO and so all topics relate to this and so you will not find a PTO topic.

Security: I wish increase further support and fuel momentum into the important intelligence work that protects our country. We must further increase or never ending war on Multi’s. As I mentioned the MoS does a fantastic role at present, but I want it to be even better! We must make a solid strategy that is flexible to ever changing circumstance to regain our country, thinking both inside and outside the box.

eBrazil: We must look at our options with this country carefully. Those in the know will understand what I am saying. Those who are not, trust in your future Government, but do question them.

eArgentina: We seem to have forgot this nation. They once controlled much of our country but now those days are over and I think it maybe time to propose peace between our nations.

Defence and Foreign Affairs (Other than above): With urgency we need to recruit more people to our armed forces not just from eSouth Africa, but from around the world. We also are unable to sign MMP’s at this moment in time and so must create an understanding with our ally nations and secure support from them to mobilise and deploy in eSouth Africa when the time comes to help us.

I would like to see us as member of the Brolliance as soon as possible. Doing so would mean greater protection from attack and possible financial support.

Society and Community: We most defiantly need to increase the population of eSouth Africa and for that population to support the legit eSouth Africa. We must do all we can to create a baby boom. By doing so, it could open a new door way out of the grip of Stadler City.

We must also maintain moral. Recent efforts by Joseph Rich from the Department of Fun should be praised and should be supported greatly. We need more activities to bring us all together and get us through these tough times.

I would also like to see how we perceive ourselves to change. We are not a ‘legit Government’ anymore. Time has moved on to far. Instead, in order to progress we should be seen to be a movement against a PTO attack or the occupiers of our lands. They have taken our country from us and so we must fight back with this mentality.

Economy: We are not in control of our revenue and so have no income. We must explore new ways to gain capital. Starting government companies in other countries could be a possibility. I am no wizard with the world of Finance, but I am positive that we could be doing more than just asking for gold and watching the gold dwindle. We must quickly learn to support ourselves as a movement (see Society and Community).

”Elitism”: I disliked it when the cries of elitism where made. I understood why they were being made, but I thought the alternative would be worse. I now would like to place new faces in Government. The people in mind have the activity, experience and I think are ready to take the reigns in certain fields. People with the experience are fading away without passing on the knowledge to the next generation. My next Government is elected would consist of fresh brains and enthusiasm that this country desperately needs. No, I am not saying all the old faces will be gone. What I am saying is a few new faces will be brought to important positions without compromising our security by maintain the majority of the older players.

I do hope that you vote for me in the forum vote. The winner of which will be backed by all members of eSouth Africa to go against Stadler City. I will put my heart and sole into re-establishing our nation. We need decisive action and I will be able to bring this. We need to work together differently as we are currently making little headway. We need a new leader to drive us further. That new leader I think should be me. I have much experience and have learnt a lot in the past months after being asked into senior positions of Government. I truly do think that what I propose are the best methods to take us further, and I am the person to do this.

Best wishes to all this election.
