Sam's Update to eIsrael and the UZP

Day 900, 13:45 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak


Well, as you know, Perfect.Knight beat me in the Presidential election 126-124. Obviously people want to know what I think from this, many people have asked how I feel. Here it is:


No regrets at all. PK and I have made the greatest election in eIsraeli history. Yes, I am daring enough to say this was better than any other election we've had. Why? Because I know it's true. Never have I seen an election almost ANYWHERE in eRep that an election has been so close. This really hits tops. I had the lead. Then PK. Then me again. Then PK again. When I saw the final tally, obviously I was a little sad. But I had a chance to be apart of the greatest election we've had in this country. So Congrats PK!

PK and I made the deal that whomever won would make the other their VP, so I am your Vice President eIsrael!

President Perfect.Knight

Yours Truly, Vice President Sam Krakower

Now onto other things.

Bailey's impeachment proposal struck me as a shock. I am terribly sorry to PK and all other supporters. I accept some fault for this, as he was pulling for me and only did it because I did not win. Flattering, I guess, if you like the kind of flattering that I don't like. This was disgusting and wrong, and I am sorry it happened. When he gets back from his vacation, I will be talking to him.

The Turkey issue I am not familiar with. I was talking with the Turkey MoFA on election day, but thats all I got. We talked about peace, not PTO's. I was not told by either PK or Aeroner, so I'm not sure of the full event line there. If hat they have said holds true, I am twisted on my own words that I've said about peace with Turkey, and I am sad that they would step on us like this, after Aero, PK, and I have tried to make such negotiations. I had a feeling this would happen though.

The cabinet of PK's should be coming out soon. I don't know much about it, but I know from the little I've heard that it will be one of the best ones eIsrael has ever had.

Now, onto the UZP. I will NOT be running for Party Presidency of UZP this term. The merging talks between UZP and Shalom have begun, although me and PK have been talking throughout the elections process. More will come from that as we develop it.

To all UZP members, active, retired, old and young:

Thank you. You have been very supportive of your party through tough times and good, and I salute you for it. Charles Nimitz, the founder of the IPP, would be proud to see what his party had become. Something not many people know: When Nimitz left, he and I had a final conversation about the party. Here's what he sai😛

CN: "I don't know Sam, I don't really care anymore. I can only hope that the Israeli Progressive Party can become something that I've always wanted it to be.

SK: "What Nimitz?"

CN: "One of the best parties in eIsrael. I think it'll get there, but I don't know. I want any eIsraeli conversation, somehow, to get onto the topic of the IPP, or UZSP, or whatever Hyman wants it to be. It should only be good things, about how great we are, all the great presidents we've had, our communication between everyone, just good things, ya know?"

SK: "Yeah, I know what you mean. I wish you wouldn't leave Charles. I know this parties gonna be big."

CN: "You're probably right, Sam, but it's my time. Whenever this party dies or merges, just doesn't become IPP related, I want you to tell them about this. Its legacy, from the very beginning, with you , me, Rob, and everyone else.If this party hits 100 members, I've done my job. I made a great party than. If not, ah well. It was a noble effort.

SK: &quot😉ude, 100? Only the IWP has that." (Editors note: I literally lol'd when I re-read that XD)

CN: "That's the idea. If we hit 100, my legacy can live on. Anybody in the IPP, or UZSP, or whatever, it will live on, as one of the greatest parties ever."

In December, the UZSP had a top number of 103 members. I smiled when I saw that.

The party started in August, and has had 9 months of being always one of the top parties in eIsrael. I am proud to say I have always been in the IPP/UZSP/UZP. It has been my only party here, for better or worse. I just felt I needed to share this with you UZP members, as this was very important to Charles, this party, and myself. We have made our legacy.

Here's to you, Charles. Welcome to the UZP.

That's all I have for now, once again, congrats PK, and you havent heard the last of me yet when it comes to CP elections, eIsrael!!! 😉

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower
Vice President of eIsrael
Party President of United Zionist Party