Sam Krakower for Knesset in Beersheba South!

Day 882, 16:41 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak


I know I've been talking about my Presidential Campaign for awhile, but just to be on the safe side, I am also running for Knesset.

I've been in Knesset for 7 terms (since Spetember), and right now I am the Speaker of the Knesset, which Ive held for 2 terms.

I really don't know what else to say, Ihave lots of experience, I'm always active, and I hope you'll vote me in not just as a KM, but as CP on May 5 as well.

Well, this was just 5 sentences, counting my shalom. hmm. what else can i put here?

Oh. I have an idea.

Looks like the Turks got dipped in butter and stuffed as well. \o/

Oh, and another thing-

*slaps Baglamas*

Ok, Im done.

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower