Russian president resigns - to afraid of the Swedish steamrolling vendetta

Day 1,505, 11:38 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

As of today the Russian president who initiated the unsuccessful campaign against the Swedish might has resigned by impeachment. This due to the failed attempt to wipe Sweden from the map. The now former president, bzzz-bzzz, say also in his statement that he is no longer able to fulfill his duty of protecting the Russian people against Swedish vendetta.

Article by Toothpaste

Few weeks back the giant alliance EDEN and evil Terra decided to attack the peaceful and nature-loving people of the alliance ONE, the alliance that the lovely, considerate and gentle Swedes belong to. While Sweden managed its own peaceful economical business in Scandinavia, the evil alliances did strike Sweden out of the blue from the borders of Denmark, Norway, Russia and Finland. The Rumanians almost managed to strike as well via Gotland. But they don't know how to cross the water. They got hairy backs so they cant swim that well.

The goal of this evil war against Sweden and the rest of ONE was to wipe the most peace-loving countries from the map. And for a moment it looked like Sweden was about to get wiped. Some Ruski-influenced leaders gave up the thought that Sweden would manage to keep her record clean from losing all its regions - but the soldiers didn't. A great resistance raised up and Sweden managed to push back the vandals. Since then, Sweden has started to become fully liberated.

The Swedish people has already begun talking about declaring war against countries that was behind this surprise attack on the Swedish lands. Norway looks like be a popular target at the moment. Norwegians should be afraid. Very afraid. (And they are, of course.)

Its not only the Russian president and the Finns that is afraid of the Swedish Military who has been pushing back both Finns and Ruskis from Scandinavia (Finns are Nordic people, but not Scandinavians). Romper, the great MasterCard spender, said that there is no longer any point in buying gold for fighting the Swedes since Sweden is to strong, to organized and to powerful. He is giving up, he said.

All in all Sweden is for now in a very healthy state. Her economy is booming, her weapon and food stock is full. The soldiers are full of hope, war-spirit and Viagra and ready to fight. Also, the weather is wonderful as always at this time of year.

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