Running for DC Senator on July 25

Day 608, 21:38 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Greetings, citizens of the United States and of our great nation's capital.

My name is James Eggleston, and I am proud to announce that I hope to be the District of Columbia's next congressman with the help of the Libertarian Party. For those of you who don't already know me, I am perhaps best known for my newspaper, The Pantopian Enquirer, an international news and US politics digest currently the 39th most-subscribed paper in our nation. I have served as an activist, strategist, and recruiter for the Democratic Party. I have also fought for our nation in the Mobile Infantry, both abroad and now here at home. Recently, I also became a business owner and I chose to put that business right here in DC. The point of this is not to dazzle you with my meager list of accomplishments, however - the point is that whatever your goals are in this game, whether you seek fame in the media, power in the political arena, glory in battle, or profit through entrepreneurial ventures, I understand those parts of what you're about in this game. And while we may not always agree on the specifics of our politics, I believe helps me to represent all of my constituents.

However, there are some things which all American patriots can agree in these trying times. We can and we must drive the forces of PEACE from our shores. I support General Harlot whole-heartedly and salute our military's brilliant tactical minds and the soldiers' dogged determination to give these fights their all. While it may be a difficult road to walk between then and now, I believe that before long, we will see Canada and the US standing free and proud. The PEACE threat is often far more insidious than the soldiers on our beaches, however - even here in our nation's capital, we have foreign nationals trying to sneak their way into Congress! Vlad Manta, currently running under the Libertarian Party, is and Indonesian national, and Pantagruel de Romania seems to be a semi-active Romanian. While I understand that Romania has been a long-time ally, who among you lets her friends tell you where to spend your money or lets his friends tell him who he should fight? I do not see how these aliens expect to speak to the governance of our country - I say that America is for Americans.

While obviously military might must be our top priority for the duration of this war, I hope that in the next month, we'll be able to look past the conflict and start rebuilding what we've lost. If elected, I hope to serve on our nation's Infrastructure Committee to work towards fortifying our borders. I won't make the mistake of promising a Q5 hospital and defense system in every state, but I do believe it would profit us to examine the damage done in recent battles and look to see where various defensive bonuses and population concentrations could've stopped the PEACE advance earlier. Only slightly over one-third of our citizens have quality health care - even with the call to move to New Jersey and Florida going out from nearly all media outlets, many in our populace remain oblivious. I hope to join Senator Chris Stanwick in his efforts to educate the population about how where they choose to live affects our nation and provide moving tickets to those who wish to move to a better hospital.

After the spectre of war passes from our shores, I plan to do all I can to grow the American economy. I am a free marketeer, though I realize that without taxes, our military would not be able to be the effective fighting force we require. Therefore, I will seek the wisdom of the Economic Council to see if we could realistically reduce taxes from their peacetime levels of 20% to rejuvenate some of our nation's less-profitable industries. I hope to work with our State Department to negotiate duty-free trading with Canada, Spain, and Greece. With cheap sources of all raw materials, American industry will surely keep our nation's coffers full and our military battle-ready.

In these trying times, we can't afford to make political hay while our allies are reeling and enemies are within our borders. Therefore, I will refrain from making public political statements in my paper for the month I would be in office while elected - the news will still be reported, but only the facts. My voting record will be published every five days, and I invite all citizens to speak to me about any laws before Congress - I am first and foremost a populist, and hope to make my vote the People's voice.

Columbia, if you do me the honor of electing me your representative this election day, I will stand by your interests, and work to make this nation one of the most prosperous in the New World! God bless the people of the District of Columbia, and God bless the eUSA!