Running for Congress AGAIN! - because I love it so much

Day 914, 11:23 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

I love the eSA and so I am going to run for congress again this month. I enjoy being part of making the decisions that will progress the future of this country. This term I am running for Gauteng under the Independant Party, a party which aligns with my views on the direction the eSA should take; young blood, regular training wars, a strong military to keep peace and freedom, a strong economic mind in charge of the eSA's economy, good relations with our allies, the security of our regions and to speak from the heart not the mind!

To help prevent "TL😉R" here is a quick summary of the roles I obtain/ have been!

Minister of Tourism
Former Director of the eSAHC
Former Minister of Information
Former Deputy Minister of Social Development
Congressman (Term 5)
Member of the PG
Fomer Officer in the ST and RN
Owner of SG Opportunties
Ambassador to the eUK

I have been playing this game for (WOW - I have just realised how long!) nearly a year! And have lived in the eSA for most of it after moving from the eUK. I personally which to help put the eSA on the eWorld stage with a thriving economy, military and population.

Applying for my job back again!