Royal Feudalist Party Platform- Part II: Economy

Day 459, 10:20 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

See Part I

This is the second part out of a total of three of the platform of Dominik for his candidacy for the highest office under the banner of the Royal Feudalist Party. The Royal Feudalist Party under Dominik is in support of a moderate, slightly more left-leaning brand of Reardenist e-economics. The main economic goal of a Dominik administration would be to create a stable, yet flexible, tax system, keeping the CAD stabilised and relatively strong, and implementing the so-called Rearden Plan 2.0 (described below) among other financial/economical programs that go in line with the previous section of my platform.

Part A: Rearden Plan 2.0

The Rearden Plan 2.0 was proposed by current finance minister (and RFP member) Alexander Rearden in cabinet a few days ago. The idea is to run a branch of the National Bank of Canada that will resemble a bank in real life- with loans, and investment etc. The plan will unfold as follows:

The government buys out Cipher Industries, and runs the bank as a branch of the National Bank of Canada, the loans coming only from deposits and we could loan out 90% of the deposits worth since in the event of a run we could back the deposits with the treasury. This bank would be separate from the NBC treasury 99.99% of the time.

Secondly, we open it up for further investment via stocks (1000 stocks at .5 gold) the government would hold a 50%+1 share of the stock giving us complete control over the bank, but we can use the private investment to increase the amount loaned out even if deposits are sluggish.50% of the profit to the National Bank of Canada OA. As well as distributing the remainder of the profit to shareholders as a monthly dividend. The profit would be revenue - expenses - 20% of the difference (for bank expansion new loans).

A staff of 7 people will run this bank.

1 - President of the Bank of Canada this would be a permanent position analogous to General, save for the fact that President of the Bank could also be MoF. This position would be in charge of running everything, keeping track of total funds and distributing profit. They would also add the weekly interest (2😵 to each account (could be done using a function).

3 - Account Managers, these would be the technically minded highly trusted individuals would have access ot the bank itself and after filling out the form (transaction record) would make the changes to the account spreadsheet. They would also move the money from the account to the private depositor. When someone opens an account the President assigns an Account Manager to look over that account and process transactions.

3 - Loan Officers, these would process loan requests and give their recommendation to the President on the goodness of he loan. Only the President of the Bank has the right to move the money from the actual account to loan representatives.

To keep things honest each Account Manager and president would have password they input into every transaction they manage only the MoF would know everyone's password and be able to see the transaction log. This would prevent an account manager for claiming that another account manager managed that move.

(Thanks to Alexander Rearden who made this proposal)

Part B: Taxes

There will be a slight adjustment made to the VAT tax for non-necessities. The VAT will be higher on manufacturing goods except for food. This will ensure the stability and strength of our currency while funding any new programs the government wishes to implement. Income tax will stay at the level where the current MoF is adjusting it to- around 7 or 10% based on the development of the industry. Tariffs will exist to regulate industry, and will also be changed accordingly. For example, weapon imports will be kept lower than gift imports because Canada does not have the iron to supply its own weapons industry, but has more than enough diamonds to run a strong gifting industry. What we are primarily looking for is a tax system that is flexible and can be changed based on market observation.

Part C: Canadian Public and Private Industry

Government Companies
My proposal for cabinet in the first part of my platform calls for the Minister of Finance to hire his/her own staff, who will also be in charge of running Government Companies and the Shinra companies. The Minister of Finance will be Alexander Rearden under an RFP government who will be able to appoint his own people to manage government companies and make sure they are taking a purely regulatory stance on the marketplace and in the human resources centre. I will also take advantage of Canada's rich resources and use it to help our allies. That's why, if I get elected, I will create a Q2 company for each resource Canada has high production of- diamonds, wood, grain and possibly oil. These companies will then set up deals to be the suppliers of ATLANTIS corporations via private trade (saving the money export licenses would cost). This will give us a steady income of GOLD for the treasury to supply the CAF.

Private Industry
Our raw materials industry is very strong, and to accompany it, we need a powerful manufacturing industry as well. Our best bet is Gifts and Food- industries which are already strong in Canada. The weapons industry is difficult to run in Canada because of a lack of high iron productivity, and since most weapons are bought by the government, there is little need for this industry in the private sector. The housing industry will, however, be our main focus. Since Canada has good wood productivity, there is no reason our housing market shouldn't be among the strongest in the world. There are a number of ways we can boost this industry: first, we continue regulating the wages using our government companies since the construction wages are far behind the manufacturing and land ones. Second, we use the branch of NBC described in the Rearden plan to give loans to reliable people starting housing companies since the main problem is the start up costs before a housing company becomes profitable. Lastly, we reintroduce the mortgage program also run from the NBC branch since the main house buyers will be the baby-boomers.

The major economic policy of the RFP administration will be to support private industry and striking a perfect balance between private and public industry.

Thank you for reading, and don't forgot to join the Royal Feudalist Party!