Royal Feudalist Party: Mission Overview

Day 462, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

Greetings eCanadians;

In response to requests for clarification, I would like to clarify some of the key points in our platform and respond to some common questions and criticisms of both it and the party in general. Similar to our platform, this update is divided into three distinct parts:

Part I: Domestic Affairs
* One of the main issues with newcomers to eRepublik especially in light of the recent Baby Boom, is the lack of activities outside of working, training, and fighting for citizens.
* The Royal Feudalist Party will actively develop and implement optional programs and activities for citizens to participate in.
* One common criticism is the role-playing and title holding of the members of the RFP. Please note that this type of role-playing is entirely optional and does not comprise an integral part of our platform. It merely exists as an added element for citizens who wish to participate.

Part II: Economy
* The name Royal Feudalist Party may evoke ideas of feudalist economic policy, but if you read our economic platform, you will note it is very progressive.
* The key focus of the RFP Economic platform is economic stability, which includes a flexible and responsive tax system, insuring a steady income of GOLD for the government, and assistance in the development of private industry (mainly housing)
* The RFP's Rearden Plan 2.0 will be implemented (see Part II of the full platform) which will run an investment bank as a sub-branch of the National Bank of Canada.

Part III: Military
* The purpose of restructuring the CAF as per the RFP platform is for increased organisation and accountability; a strict hierarchy and division among the soldiers will allow the government to more efficiently supply them.
* As a result of consultations with members of the CAF and public at large, the proposition to rename the CAF has been dropped from the platform.
* A level of command will be created between the General and the platoons which consists of on leader for each of the Reserves, Regulars, and Elites.
* Reserves (including a new player division that receives minimal supplies) and Regulars will exist in more or less the same form as they do now. A new unit of elites (see Platform Part III to see the criteria for participation in the elites) which will be supplied with higher quality weapons than the others.
* The RFP fully acknowledges the competence and successes of the CAF and wishes only to help by implementing structural changes which will increase supply chain efficiency.

The RFP is open to any comments and concerns that citizens or other parties may have with this platform and wish to work to make eCanada the best country in the world. I, personally, hope that this Mission Overview will help answer some of the questions raised by citizens concerning the RFP platform. As always, I am available to discuss any issues.

I hope to see everyone at the polls!

President of the Royal Feudalist Party