Rowlock; Minister of Industries

Day 566, 00:35 Published in Canada North Korea by Foreign Affairs Canada

I would like to introduce myself to those who do not know me, or for those who do and do not know about my appointment, I am Rowlock, Minister of Industries as of June-2009.

I accepted Prime Minister Jacobi's request to have me in his cabinet as Minister of Industries.

The position requires me to manage all of the eCanadian Governments Crown Corporations such as Health Canada, Canadian Wheat Board, Canadian Housing, Canadian Arms, Canada Gifts and Royal Canadian Air Force.

Please subscribe to this Newspaper especially if you work for any of the Crown Corporations, as I will be doing any sort of mass-messaging regarding employees of the Crown from this newspaper, and I will also be updating the public with Ministry of Industries News from here, including when, and if we have future house lottery draws, or any other updates.

Thankyou for your time;
