RomanSoldier Running For congress

Day 548, 13:44 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

Hello i am RomanSoldier. i will be running this month again to be a congressman

I am an active player and try my best for the Philippines.
For 3 Months now i have been in congress voting where it is needed and helping out those who need help.

I have a Vast amount of experience and have been playing This game for 242 days. that's around 8 months ish

In that time i have driven through a military career in the eUK leading through many battles all over the eWorld such as World War 2 (when Atlantis Invaded France) and all my other battles ranging from Romania/Russia war to Argentina/Indonesian war

My Political Experience i have gained from the current months i have spent in the Philippines a country which i have grown to love. i have always told myself..."ill do a month here to help out these guys then ill go back" then it was " month" "next one..." now what am i saying? "Im staying" 😛

I have spent 2 months in the Philippines and i prefare this country to the eUK which i had spent most of my elife in

Now some of you may be going "omg ewww foreigner" =-p but i will tell you once...and only once
i may not be Filipino but i AM eFilipino and there is nothing u can do about it either

My current Goals for this month you may ask?
Take EVERYONE'S opinion's and take it directly to the Gov in charge(if you have a problem with anything message me and i will give an answer or i will send it directly to the Gov)
Help out EVERY single person that asks for help whether its foods problems or just a quick question
Vote on EVERY single proposal, not what people tell me to Vote BUT for what is best for the Country and every single eFilipino

Why would i be better than the other Candidates?

I know how Things small mistakes that slows things down
i already know who runs what...something pops up i know who to talk to
I wont Fool around
I am VERY active, i come on EVERY single day

Vote and Comment Please =-p