Romania Maneuvers, and the New World Prepares

Day 499, 19:33 Published in Romania USA by Alex Lawrence

"“Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement."
Leon Trotsky

Good Evening

Tonight, we cover the maneuvers of Romania, among other things.

Main Article

After Romania's victory in Sichuan, Iran, Romania took a brief pause in their advances. 12 hours after the battle of Sichuan, however, Indonesia moved for West Siberia, hoping to catch the Romanians off guard and tired from the previous battle. In response, Romania, having other plans than waging another epic battle over West Siberia, called on the Norwegians to cover them, allowing Norway to invade the Urals in order to invade West Siberia, retreating both times for Norwegian "victories". This effectively canceled out the planned Indonesian advance for the day, a wise strategic move on the part of Romania.

Around 3 hours after Indonesia's attempt for West Siberia, Romania jumped feet first into Eastern and Central European brawl currently going on, striking the region of Northern Hungary, which is, oddly enough, controlled by Poland. Northern Hungary was also under attack from Hungary proper, and by Romania going for Northern Hungary (if Poland surrenders to the Romanians) it will thwart another Hungarian advance and make the Hungarians focus on their other, more winnable fronts.

While Romania was making chess moves, the rest of the world was either signing alliances or waging wars for the lulz, except for poor Germany, which lost Styria and is 17 hours away from losing Upper Austria to the Austrians. Spain and Canada launched (kinda-sorta) coordinated attacks on two different regions of France, but are losing in both battles due to the lack of any other epic battles (like West Siberia) going on, letting French allies pour in to help. America finished its second war game in Baja, pleasing Americans greatly.

As for the alliances, Portugal allied with Hungary, Canada with Croatia, Italy with Iran, Finland with Poland as well as Spain with Poland. To put it simply, many nations from both major alliances reinforced ties, in preparation for a possibly larger sweeping of wars to come later this month.

In Other News

The puppet President of Serbia, BorKan, was finally impeached by Serbia's congress. Too bad for them that they had to lose over 50% of their country before they could do it.

Presidential Elections are in two days for all of the New World. Be sure to vote!

There are rumblings in South Africa for secession from PEACE control, but no one believes them.

That's all we have for today. Be sure to comment, vote and subscribe! Ad space is available, PM me for details.

From now on, The New Frontiersman will only be published in the country the editor is residing in, and the United States. Be sure to shout your foreign friends about the paper!