Rise, eSwitzerland! Rise!

Day 832, 19:49 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Erik Zimmermann

To those eSwiss who wish to defy our oppressors,

To long now has this Shaolin menace had free reign over our government. Our Federal Assembly is controlled by their mindless and, or, sinister malefactions. The presidency? Their puppet, the Son of Stormkin, sits in the Federal Chancellery twiddling his thumbs and doing nothing, nothing at all to better the peoples of this nation. With their bands of moving voters, and eRussian expatriates have render the eSwiss people completely overwhelmed, incapable of besting this force of political dominance. Popular sovereignty must be guaranteed! We must make the message clear: eSwitzerland is not the personal playground and banque for any cheap dictator that wishes to trounce into our politics. Now, more than ever, is the time to oppose this force of oppression, and take the office of the President of the Confederation.

The resistance’s struggle, our struggle, is not some journey of the half-sleep dreamer or the scornful cynic; nay, it is a gymnastic struggle, a battle, a gargantuan undertaking of the like no eSwiss man woman, or child has seen in a generation. We stand not on the mere threshold of the fiery abyss, but are fully, wholly, outright immersed in the flames of an all-inclusive holocaust of the freedoms, liberties, and equality held sacrosanct by all citizens of eSwitzerland. We have seemingly lost all, and thus stand to lose nothing by waging to totality of our efforts against the barbarous brutes who have usurped the rightful sovereignty of the eSwiss people.

From hence forth, no eSwiss citizen can stand idly by whilst this rapacious multitude of eRussian expatriate traitors lays total waste to the work, toil, and sweat of our liberation, and the renaissance of the eSwiss nation state. We are not in the petty business of compromise and concessions, nor has appeasement ever been, or ever will be the course of the resistance and opposition to this government. No rest shall be had until autocracy, liberty and sovereignty is had by the eSwiss peoples. Not until my eyes shall see the glorious ensign of a free Union across the shimmering and setting sun, will I cease to fight for our rights as Swiss are returned in full!

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!

Erik Zimmermann
Editor, SPP
Genf, Schweiz