Riding off into the Sunset....

Day 419, 06:23 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

For a while, anyways.

As the members of my party know and many people seem to have been speculating about, I will be taking a break from Erepublik for an undetermined amount of time. This is not due to internal politics, disillusionment with the game, or anything of that sort. Rather, those pesky real world commitments have gotten the better of me as of late and I don't have enough time too devote to this fun little hobby anymore. While I may be checking in from time to time my involvement for the foreseeable future will be minimal.

My hopes are that South Africa will find its way out of the dark malaise it is in currently and prosper once again. I cannot stress enough the need for new and effective leadership in SA being absoluetly necessary to this goal. South Africans have elected Do-Nothing Free Africa presidents again and again who make large promises but do practically nothing to improve the nation or ease the suffering of it's people. The need for change is ever more pressing at this moment. Remember the party that has always been there for you, doing what needs to be done without political gain or financial profit on it's mind. The Black Lion Front has always and will always be the party of freedom, equality, and the best for South Africa.

Thank you and I hope the future brings us all well.