Richmond Has A Q4 Hospital

Day 280, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Rise

This was posted early this morning but in hopes of reaching more views and hopefully new citizens ill repost this now.

A day, two months in the making has finally arrived for Richmond, today we purchased our very own Q4 hospital. When i first ran for mayor i said i would bring a Q4 hospital to Richmond and together we accomplished that goal.

The citizens of Richmond have been donating day in and day out for this and yes we had to call upon the Fed for some assistance (40😵 but we reached our goal. On behalf of Richmond i would like to thank President Archibald for his support in this mission and the citizens of Richmond, thank you for being patient.

Now let us hope that this hospital will bring new hope, new citizens and above all let this hospital stand as a testimony to will and pride of the Richmond people.

One last note: Don't forget to Vote Justinious || Ron Paul in the GE