Review of foreign press and 601st anniversary of Victory in Battle of Grunwald

Day 1,334, 05:45 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂 Today I want to write small review of eastern Europe`s press and to talk a little about history.

Review of eastern Europe`s press

#1 President of Ukraine, Taras Zasnovnyk, wrote second report about presidential work in his newspaper Flying ax[UA only].

#2 Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs congratulates Poland with 601st anniversary of Victory in Battle of Grunwald[PL only]. Further I wrote more about this historical event and his importance.

#3 Polish journalist, diplomat and also my friend mpakosh wrote article about situation in Belarus in his newspaper Gazeta Wschodnia[PL, RU].

#4 Russian journalist Antropophag regularly publishes orders of top Erepublik countries with funny countryballs in his newspaper KyPAHTbI[RU, EN]. I ask all to subscribe, cause soon he will add Czechoslovakia 🙂

#5 And another russian journalist, SlkDmitry, regularly publishes articles with overview of military units in his nespaper Tell Me Why[RU, ENG].

#6 Please vote articles of belarusian and ukrainian Ministries of Demography.

That's all, now lets talk a little about history.

Battle of Grunwald, and his importance

Yesterrday was 601st anniversary of Victory in Battle of Grunwald. In this battle, united forces of Polish Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated forces of Teutonic Order. You can ask, why this event is so important for belarusian? I can explain.

From 40 banners, that come from Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 24 banners were from nowday Belarus, 8 banners were from nowday Ukraine, 7 banners were from nowday Lietuva and 1 banner was from nowday Russia. "Russian" banners was from ethnically belarusian town Smolensk, that was captured and annexed by Russian Empire in 17th century. Also, 3 banners from nowday Lietuva were from ethnically belarusian lands, that were given to Lietuva by USSR in 20th century. So, belarusian ancestors had 28 banners in this epic battle.

Now prevails view that nowday Lietuva is main successor of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. But this is not so. Untill 18th century, nowday belarusian lands were called "Lithuania" or "Litva" (belarusian "Літва"), and belarusians ancestors were known as "litvins"(belarusian "літвiны"). Opposite, lands of nowday Lietuva were called "Samogitia", and people that lived there were known as "samogitians". How did this happen? After conquering of Grand Duchy of Lithuania by Russian Empire, litvins were renamed to "belarusians", and their true name was given to samogitians. This way, russians wanted to assimilate our ancestors and and to convert them to part of their nation.

But despite of that, we, belarusians still remember who we are and are proud of our glorious history.

By the way, citizens of Czechoclovakia can be proud of Victiry at Grunwald too. In this battle also participated 2 banners from Bohemia and Moravia, among them was Jan Žižka, that became later famous as commander of Hussite forces. Against crusaders also fought contingent of Tatars of the Golden Horde and unit of moldavian mercenaries.

Jan Žižka in Battle of Grunwald

New project - "Belarus from A to Z"

I have idea of ​​for new project - "Belarus from A to Z". In my future articles, among Erepublik stuff I will write(in alphabetical order) about things that represent RL Belarus - histotical events, personalities, geography, nature and culture.

Thanks for reading.