Return to the Lion King

Day 940, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Lucus Casius
Yet Another Great Battle

This morning, as was the norm, I booted up my computer. While waiting for this damned contraption to start, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, went outside to hunt for my ordinary breakfast of raw bear meat, and got dressed (in that order).

I returned to my computer, the smell of the kill fresh on my breath. Zooming through the forums of a couple of my ordinary sites, by which I mean a fun social strategy game and eRepublik, I noticed something.

China has attacked Liaoning.

Not wanting to be left out of the fight, I resigned my in-game spot in the eUS Congress, and caught the next flight to Beijing, China, where I met up with fellow eAmericans and our allies.

A small militia force preparing their charge.

An allied soldier waits impatiently for the order to attack the wall.

From my vantage point atop the mound of fresh Serbian corpses I keep for just such occasions, I watched the damage from both sides fly, but was severely disappointed in the amount of damage being done by our guys. Even with all of those holding their fire for tanking purposes, we should still have more!

So, I flipped over to the media module, and typed up this article.


If you can't afford your own tickets and/or weapons, the eUS has a program going to supply them for civillian forces wanting to fight for the freedom of the Lion King. Visit Sabers for Serbs if you want those supplies!

Final Quote

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
John F. Kennedy