Return of The SOS Brigade

Day 949, 19:43 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

With the end of the merge between the SOS Brigade and the DWP, the SOS Brigade is now returning to what it once was: The SOS Brigade. So what does this mean? Well there are some changes, some new things, but mainly a return to old values. Curious? Read on!

Something old, Something new

As always the SOS Brigade wants to support those individuals that are active in our community, on our forums, and play a role in eJapan herself. We are knowledgeable and ready to help anyone find something to do.

One way we encourage activity is by providing a strong community, and means of communication. While communicating over eRepublik will remain our norm for major announcements and information facilitation, we welcome all members of the SOS Brigade, and our fellow eJapanese to our forums:"> where we can discuss general party management, platform, and events!

We also have a channel on : #esos.brigade which we encourage all members of the Brigade to join. Even if you don't have IRC, you can still access this room through our "Chat" shortcut on the main menu of our forums after you log in.

Pardon the dust!

Speaking of the forums! These forums are the same forums the SSS used, and thus are completely tailored for the SSS, and not the SOS Brigade. Thus there will be changes going on with the forums for the next few days as we re-adjust the forums to fit the image and needs of the SOS Brigade.

Also due to the transfer of the forums to a new website there may be a few errors hiding from sight. Please Message Myself or Kotomi if you find any such "bugs" so we can clean them up right away. We already found a few in the transfer of the Japanese memory of the site. So some formally posted Japanese may appear gargled. There is a fix, so just let us know if you find any.

All new Japanese is readable and will post just fine.

For now it appears that everything is functioning well enough for the forums to be used. So just expect some forum shifts and visual changes!

Something Lost

As everyone is aware the militia was originally the DWP's, and as such if following them out of the party. This is the same with many of the companies, some companies may remain under SOS Control, but the matter has not been fully decided yet. Chances are SOS will be without any companies as a result of ending the merge.

This does not mean that we must remain company-less. I welcome discussion, and proposals for business plans on our forums concerning creating some companies of our own, even a militia if you all like.

However this is at the digression of the party itself. I personally will not be pushing these options if the party itself does not support them.


Just because Haruhi and many of the former DWP members will be leaving us soon, there are no harsh feelings between the SOS Brigade and Haruhi's New Party. I want everyone to get along civilly.

We are all fellow eJapanese, and as such we are all allies in this game.

I personally wish Haruhi the best of luck with his new party, and if they have not made it into the top five by the next congressional elections, all members of his party are welcome to contact me concerning running for congress.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about what has happened, I welcome private messages. I do not want any false rumors, or needless drama to be spread that could hurt either Haruhi or myself.

I encourage anyone looking for a neutral opinion concerning what has occurred to please contact Kotomi Ichinose.

Thank you for your patience, and thanks Kotomi Ichinose for all your help with the forums and IRC, and everyone for your support throughout all of this 😃

