Results of a depositor satisfaction survey

Day 796, 10:29 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

We sent out a depositor survey in order to gauge how well people thought of our bank and how we've been doing. It was sent to all people who have ever deposited in t'jelle bank, save orgs and dead people(86 people have responded as of this writing and trickling up). For those who have not yet taken it you may view it here In this article I'm going to list some of the graphs and responses we received. The drawing will be held Monday night.

Here we have a graph of how long responders have been using the bank

Here a graph of how many are still using the bank

A graph of how people liked our service in general on a 1-10 scale:

Asked how they thought of us in terms of esteem on a 1-10 scale:

How fast people who used our ticket support feel they got a response:

94% of people who used the ticket system had their ticket acted upon to their liking. "Nothing, my needs were taken care of quickly" -Sollian Vincent In response to being asked how we could improve the ticket system. That doesn't mean that we will ever stop working however.

And since I'm sure the graphs are getting boring by now I'll just list some statistics:

Only 19% of responders have had an issue with a transaction and of them 75% said it was then resolved in a way they liked after they contacted us

81% of people put 7 or higher(1-10) when asked how well they were able to contact us.

Of all the people who took it, only 3 said anything but affirmative in whether or not they were OK with these surveys and only 6 said they wouldn't be willing to answer questions about their responses.

I think this shows that we're doing a good job overall. We're always working on improving our service and you can always give feedback if you have something to say. More in-depth info on any of these statistics can be obtained via pm to Anaros.