Response to the Hungarian Letter to Canada [USA]

Day 668, 08:15 Published in USA Canada by Lucky_Strike

Earlier today, Jacobi as PM of Canada received a request from Hungary (viewable here: I don’t know about you, but when I read the title of that article, I assumed it would be a request for terms of surrender. Unfortunately, my assumption proved incorrect but it was the next best thing: an admission that Hungary has been frustrated in this war. Hands down the most powerful country in the world in terms of military power and she is held at bay by Canada. And if the letter we received is any indication, they are becoming increasingly vexed at the situation.

I know us Canadians don’t like to boast too much, but this is one time where we ought to be tremendously proud of our work. By keeping Hungary blocked here in Canada and in Hungarian-held USA, she remains militarily isolated and incapable of applying their tremendous military force anywhere on the globe. If you look at her wars list, Hungary is the “primary” in virtually almost every war, which means that they cannot initiate battles anywhere aside from the Russo-Norwegian war in which Hungary is listed as an ally of Russia who is the “primary” in that particular case.

Hungarians will try and make light of the situation by mocking Canada who is providing them with free training wars, but we know the reality of the situation; a situation that has now been confirmed to be true. Canada has Hungary by the balls and she knows it.

I’ve heard some suggest that we could parlay this situation in exchange for a peace treaty and the return of our provinces and territories held by Hungary. While these people should be commended for exploring all alternatives available to us, for the time being, I believe it to be advantageous for Canada to maintain the status quo. If a peace treaty is signed and therefore Canada ceases to block Hungary, they will evidently be allowed them to attack elsewhere, something highly undesirable given their military strength and I would maintain this opinion even if all Hungarian-held Canadian lands were returned to us at no cost.


Because one thing has been proven in this war so far: we have the best allies in the world. Though EDEN/Fortis have often been outnumbered, PEACE GC has been unable to beat us because we stand truly united with one another, not just in words but in actions. This we do gladly for our allies because they do it for us. Under these circumstances, we should expect more letters begging for lenience or mercy. And one day, if we continue in this way, we’ll receive a far more important letter: the surrender of PEACE GC.

For eCanada and our allies.