Resolutions for 2016?

Day 2,963, 14:31 Published in USA USA by Brinnin II

Making the New Years Less Colorful

My Resolutions:

1.) That I receive all of the monetary funds that I can possibly get from the federal government.

“Gots to get all this fasfa!”

2.) Pass this semester with nothing less than “A’s” in all of my courses so that getting into Med school is literally a piece of cake!

“Still got like one year left, more like next stop the rest of my Senior year!”

3.) Figure out where all my money goes each year!

“Surely adding a 2015 Lexus ES 350 to the tab will help!”

4.) That the eUS Dept. of Education re-open/”re-something” the American University!

“And the newbies have lost interests”

5.) Ooooo, what about an establishment of an eUS Judicual Branch/Supreme Court.

“Do we have one? If not, what’s wrong with establishing one?”

I’m sure that these are not all resolutions, but they are what I hope to see in 2016. Can a man only wish?

Brinnin II
Changing It Up!!!