REPRINT.. tio samguey's comentario d la guerra con nuestra patria

Day 469, 15:28 Published in Mexico Mexico by lupe

A lot has happened over the past weekend, and I haven't had much time to write articles given the fact that we are at war. It's time that people know what exactly happened, and to clear up a bunch of issues that have supposedly been brought up recently. Lets start from the beginning.
(I would like to mention that this can count as a campaign article for the March General Elections)

War Results

despite some confusion over the issue of our victory, we have all three regions now in a wonderful victory over Mexico. With this kind of win we have a lot of things to consider, what to do with the land, or do we continue to attack? Unfortunately this decision has already been made for us, and we have no voice in the matter until time passes. The game has proven to glitch and there is an error in borders as identified by the admins in one of their recent articles. Because of this break in borders, we are unable to continue our battle with Mexico until the admins resolve the issue.

So that leaves us to think about what we want to do as a country during this time of forced peace, and look at our objectives in Mexico. We have faced a PR issue, which I will explain later. We are also going to have to consider how much further we want to take this war. I will be discussing other war options for America and Mexico, as well as other foreign opportunities. There is also an ATLANTIS issue to be resolved, over treaty violation. Finally we have to look at how our war effects Mexico and how the world will look at us.

Foreign Relations, and a "Negative" Image
lets look at the facts, PEACE is a PR machine. They are able to dominate all kinds of public relations from all over the world. their negative attacks on the USA's image are unprecedented if they looked at our objectives in Mexico. Are we being Imperialist? The answer to that is a yes, as we do plan on keeping a few regions in Mexico. The issue becomes how far do we plan to take this. Do we wish to take the rest of the regions in Mexico and give PEACE more ammo for their PR machine? Think of it this way, America right now looks like a big playground bully picking on poor little defenseless Mexico, and I'm sure that's something that the USA doesn't want.

We have other war options for the future, and so far America has done a great job starting out small in building our military power. Eventually we'll take it a step up, and the more steps we take the stronger we'll be. The current tax structure allows us to do much with the military and we can expand in other directions if we so choose. This is what I'd like to do, however picking on Mexico like this won't get us where we want to be, and it's horrible for our public image.

Where the Mexican War is Headed
So we don't want this bully image, so while connecting back to our image issue, lets look at why we got involved in this war. We initially got involved for a couple reasons, the first of which was to give the USA a chance to expand and begin it's military growth. The second was so that we could free Mexico of their rouge Polish congress. Since the Polish congress has left, our second objective in Mexico is finished. Looking at how the USA has expanded to gain three more regions, we have a lot of options.

The USA now has a comfy belt of regions protecting our southern border from the PEACE countries that live down there. These are three borders which I would like to keep as USA territory, and with that I feel no need to expand any further into Mexico. That being said, I'd still like to attack a few of their regions and gain control of them. The reason for this is to have access to a kind of war games at all times. With those added regions, we will start resistance wars when we need some war. This will allow for the USA to have a battle with itself, the ultimate war game! The possibility to start our own wars whenever we want without ramifications that only we would benefit from is the perfect situation to give only the USA more war experience for higher ranks and experience points.

Other War Options for Future Military Expansion
in the midst of the Mexican I have still been working to organize war games with Russia. What wasn't outlined to the public about this plan, but was to congress will now be revealed. The USA has struck a deal with Chinese officials in which we will give them 100 gold for the opportunity to regain Beijing in exchange for a high iron region. This gives the USA one of the two resources that we desperately need to become a world economic power. Here is how this project will work out.

Russia and the USA begin war games. In order for this to be done, the USA must sell a Q4 hospital to Russia's other region on the eastern side of their country. We export one of our constructions while we begin war games. The USA will take Far East Region from Russia for a few days. During that time, China will declare war on the USA, and following that event, the USA will take a high iron region bordering Far East Region of Russia. This plan requires two things. First, it requires that both Russia and China have Presidents, of which they do not have right now. It will also require that the region Heilongjiang. This will give our tanks another chance to operate in foreign land for our own gain.

Once everything is done, our military will have gained more military experience, and the USA is rewarded with a high iron region. This process with Russia and China will be contracted strictly so that nothing goes wrong. Keep in mind, that this operation can only be successful after the General Elections, so if you want these kind of things done, you should vote to re-elect Uncle Sam 😃

As people have pointed out, yes we have violated the ATLANTIS treaty in the aspect that we did not notify ATLANTIS 48 hours in advance. First off, I don't believe that anyone in the USA, including myself knew that we'd be going to war with Mexico 48 hours in advance, so already this restriction is a bit ridiculous. Dishmcds, a past USA Presidents has also spoken out against this war, and his actions have lead to the UK busting our balls over a trivial matter. I realize that this is not how an alliance should be treating each other, so I have called for Reform of the treaty, much like how my MoFA Inwegen has in his article. The ATLANTIS treaty is flawed, and I would like to see that there is some chance in the alliance to avoid such issues in the future.

Aside from that issue, I assure you that ATLANTIS is still alive and well, contrary to recent rumors. we're still very strong and when the USA becomes a bigger power, we'll be a huge addition to the equation, making our advantages over PEACE numerous. Unlike what my opponent Desertfalcon has said, I won't push for a third alliance quite yet simply because ATLANTIS is still doing well, not to mention the fact that working to create a new alliance will take away precious time from improving our own domestic situation.

How This War was Handled
First, I'd like to state that we were pretty much guaranteed to win this battle from the start, however I'd also like to point out some of the other accomplishments of these three battles. First, the military worked on a very low budget and saved 40K USD without using Geico for car insurance. The military was able to provide excellent support while not spending too much money despite the fact that I gave them a large enough amount to fight with. This is showing that our military is getting much stronger, one of my main goals for my first Presidential term. I would also like to congratulate all those who fought yesterday, because all of you truly made this win for America amazing.

Finally, I'd like to mention the outstanding work done by my Vice President Joe DaSmoe. Obviously I wasn't around as much as desired because I was out on a camping trip. Because of this I had no access to a computer, but instead brought my iphone, and saved my battery for only important times, which allowed me to fight, and shout and the like. During this time I was almost constantly in communication with Joe, who proved to do an excellent job in carrying out my orders. Joe, the last minute VP pick has proved this entire term to be a great man for the job, and has been nothing but an amazing help this entire month. Despite being new to politics, he learns quickly, and has proved his ability to lead this weekend.

Vote to Re-Elect Uncle Sam and Joe DaSmoe March 5th!
-Uncle Sam-
USA President