Reply to "Winds of Change"

Day 519, 18:47 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

we need your HELP?!?!?!

look at our taxes, our inflation, look how cheap we're getting in our defense systems (only q1 yea but its a start)

iv already told ur retarded leader theres a bunch of eUK citizens here who are VERY experienced in this game who are running the current gov

HERE TO HELP?!??!?!?

you came here insulting the Philippines, u came here claiming this country was yours, you came here telling us to learn ur crappy language

if anyone should be helping anyone, IT SHOULD BE US HELPING YOU

You guys are soo lost and messed up you have no idea how anything come here spamming/insulting/claiming things that are not even true

what dose this prove? you think you're better than everyone when on the fact is...your not

you're just a bunch of Ignorant Racist Spanish Spammers guess we can call u IRSS for short 😛

oh and everyone who reads this, word of warning they will "claim" to be here to help while on the other hand they just want this country to themselves for profit and will leave you Philippines to starve, they will start using propaganda such as the one im replying to to fool you guys over, listen to your own Philippine opinions no one but themselves like them, speak to people such as: Ariel, Prince Terance, and the top newspaper writers of the Philippines such as the Coconut

get your opinion on them, they have insulted you over and over and over again but now they "claim" they want to "help" you

so who are u going to listen to? your own Filipinos and the eUK people who came here to help or..the IRSS who have been insulting you in every way possible

oh and for the Spanish who dont like my article?, go Cry in that stupid little room u kept talking about and Go home, your worthless god is not welcome here, you know why? people here have REAL educations