Reply to " Reply to Reply Winds of Change"

Day 521, 12:01 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

First of all LOL at title


Message from HazzN

"You do realize that the current government is socialist right? I'm beginning to wonder if you have even looked at the Philippines economy in the last month..."

and a Message From an ORG Company Owner who has been here as long as the eUK Citizens

"agree with HazzN, I suggest you do your research first before you make such statements. My org had been monitoring the status of this country ever since the first week of ephilippines, and there is QUITE an improvement in the economy & politics in the country compared to the past."

You know what this Proves? YOU KNOW NOTHING

Ohhh and...

"I don't understand the people who voted your article... Maybe seeing there is much words they have given their vote to the article, but frankly ... It hasn't content, just a list of braying, forward to reading it becomes more and more clear that leads nowhere."


Also u didn't Denie ANY of what i have claimed about you, oh and btw...nice try in trying to get another propaganda sentence in there

"Mmmm .. Starve to Philippines? ... It is already dead. We come to resurrect, as you couldn't. You have established a capitalist system of retention of capital, just compare the prices and wages ..."

It's already dead? we've only been here 1 month!! you dont even know the difference between how a country works or even if an economy is improving or even WHAT TYPE of government is in place

If you cannot even solve these tiny problems what the hell makes u think u can run a country eh?YOU CANT!! you cant even post a successful article here,

Oh and to prove things are going well, look at the taxes and then look at the inflation


Get the correct answers on whats happening, would you guys honestly want a Rasicts Spanish Group who know NOTHING about how a country works...?

Oh and btw...just so you Spanish know, this country had no money, the only way the ePhilippines got Money is From the eUK Citizens who brought in their Money and Donated it to the ORG , what did u bring? Insults and threats...HOW AWESOME! lets all vote for the Spanish so we can go back 1 month to where i handed out like 200 pieces of Q1 Food ...

Think to yourself guys...REALLY think it through 😛, These guys know nothing, refuse to Speak your Language IN YOUR COUNTRY, Insult YOUR WOMEN and then "Claim" They're better than the current guys who run the Government, We Came here with our Hands Open, with our OWN money, we handed out Food to the Starving, landing down Taxes , and Got us in Defense Systems, and Currently We're getting the Philippines a Q4 Hospital,

Also...Id like to Point out that the most experienced People from the Uk are acutally here, Check Out Glorious Failure, hes been here since Day 22 (It's now Day 521) that's 499 Days =-p and who do these people bring? a bunch of level 13 Spammers and a few level 18's who have been pure Racist ,their Leader Compared Filipinos to "Hobbits" and Other Things...Claimed you were "lower" than him when on the opposite your Higher THAN HIM!

Oh and to the guy i was Replying to, Idc if your Insulted But Please...PLEASE! keep writing pure failure Articles...Its Fun to Reply to Them Back...Oh and are those Pictures From the Room with all the Crying Spanish People?

I Think It is 😛