Remove the President from his throne

Day 566, 21:00 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Members of the IWP, as your potential future leader of the party. I ask that all IWP congressional members move to impeach Sadeh as he has respectivly requested. Not impeaching him leaves us leaderless and wihout direction. Please move to impeach Sadeh as he has requested so we can move forward.

Holding this process up will only endanger everything we have struggled to build upon and establish in this growing nation.

If Sadeh wishes to remain in power he would have said so by now, I have not seen any posts regarding this. Will someone from congress please explain their actions to the public of Israel so we know your direct intentions.

Failing to remove the president the first go around in congress exemplifies the need for a stronger more alert congress. Sadeh and others had clearly posted his intentions of not manning the post any further after that date.

What did congress do?

The IWP controlled congress said hey wait a minute, we didn’t approve that and refused to oust Sadeh as he requested.


One of many things could have happened/

1. The IWP members of congress decided they did not want to hand over the reigns to a non IWP president for the time being behind closed doors
2. All members of congress just don’t read the newspapers
3. All members of congress just don’t care and want to be silly.
4. They are challenged mentally.

As I said one of many things could have happened, or is happening at this moment, I have numbered my preference of what has happened 1-4.

Lets remove him so we can move forward with this nation folks.