Relationship between South Korea And Bulgaria

Day 975, 06:29 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs

Thanks to Wladimir Rascian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Arjay Phoenician, President of eSK, I`m Korean ambassador to Bulgaria.

I will begin relationship between us and Bulgaria. I hope this relationship to be deep and long.

First thing I do for this connection is to interview eBulgarian president eDarkAngel (a.k.a. Stoich). What he think about us.

Me: eSK is little country. Do you think we have potential to become factor even a little one?
eDarkAngel: Every country has potential in eRep, not long ago eBulgaria was in the same situation with few players. The key really is not that much numbers but a common goal and vibrant community, a feel of belonging if you wish. Once you have that the rest will come with time. Korea is a gaming country in RL, so it only needs a little help and stimulation to build a strong and vibrant community.

Me: eSK has neutrality in wars in eRep. Do you think that help us or nor?
eDarkAngel: Neutrality in a bipolar world tends to be more of a hindrance than a bonus. It is hard to truly balance between the two hegemonic alliances so that you at the same time don't offend either and not be preferential to either as well. To an extent it is fortunate for Korea that it is not geographically positioned in the way of the ambitions of either alliance right now so it is allowed to keep neutrality, for Bulgaria for example that was not possible.

Me: I think with this interview we start one relationship. Do you think this relationship can become stronger and deeper?
eDarkAngel: There is no reason, or at least I can't think of one why relations can't be built between our two countries, we're open to making friends not only within our alliance but with other nations as well. Bulgaria is known for being a loyal partner in it's dealings with others and as long as it receives the same it "opens it's arms" so to speak to others. I personally would like to see Korea grow and become a factor in the game as more diversity will not only enrich the game itself but give us more avenues for diversifying our game experience.

Me: eBulgaria isn`t big or small country... You across path that we will. Can you give advice how to build more active and stronger community?
eDarkAngel: Bulgaria has always had to fight hard to achieve anything in this game, I'd say harder than anyone else, because we're put at very disadvantaged position, both geographically and in terms of resources. Korea does not have these problems, so my advice would be to concentrate on working with new players, a mentoring system where there is personal 1 on 1 contact works wonders, it is what has allowed us to grow. Other than that you need a goal, something to strive for and unite your community, something not easily achievable, yet not impossible.

Me: Can you wish something to all Korean citizens?
eDarkAngel: Lastly, but no lastly, this is a game and we all should enjoy and have fun playing it. The real fortune of any country is it's people and not any amount of virtual riches, gold can always be found one way or another, but good players and friends are hard to find. I wish Korea good luck and stay strong.

// Soon I will write more articles to make this relationship real 😉