Reform of THE STRONG PARTY and A Short Note

Day 788, 07:41 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
A Short Note

After sitting around my computer for sometime, eagerly waiting for the results of the Party President elections, I saw that I had 100% of the votes, but I was eager to make the changes I had promised.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the THE STRONG PARTY for welcoming me. I would assume that this was shown by their voting as even though I had that one self vote and noone running against me, they still bothered to vote for me, which shows huge support in my mind.
I would also like to thank the former Party President who hasn't been active for awhile though for trusting in me. He sent a message a few days ago right before his citizen had died.

Now, I did not make any promises during my campaign but it seems as though the N.F.A has already started with three very important steps which is sure to attract many members. This was the start I hoped for but of course it is not too late. All members of THE STRONG PARTY will be active today and very busy for that matter.


1.Name Change and Logo Change
It is obvious that the name was not attracting much members so I decided that, that was the first thing that should be changed and therefore it was changed to Austrian National Party. The logo was also changed to go along with the name but it appears as though the Logo won't show up for awhile.

2.Austrian N. Party [Organization]
Now, once again I will state that I did not make any campaign promises but I have taken it upon myself to create an overdue group for the Austrian National Party. It appears as though I was not allowed to use National in an organization name. I tried National Party and failed. I tried many others so sorry about the lame name, haha.

3. New Forum
In my opinion the old forum was plain and inactive so henceforth the official forum for the National Party is:

I wish for all members to sign up for the new forum and don't be afraid to be the first to post in one particular section.

I also have some long term plans for the Austrian National Party but I will see how those play out depending on our population.

Thank you for reading
Thank you in advance for votes, comments and subscriptions

Ciel Phantom,
Austrian National Party PP,
United Countries Union - Secondary Leader