Recruitment Update + Citizen Update

Day 689, 13:57 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
Ok recently i have been mega busy, this is what i have been up too...

I. Recruitment

I have been busy recruiting on various sites along with help from: pdiddy, Ian Arbuckle and buddysilver who have been doing it on different sites from me. It would be great if you could send in site links that i should advertise on.

Here is a list of some websites ive been recruiting on:
and a few others

I need someone to advertise on the BAPS forums as i cannot get on there or on thier IRC, message me after if you will.

II. Ambassadorship

- I have done my first article for the Finish people informing them about Ireland etc here. It was voted into the top articles and got 68 votes, a notable sucess i feel. I have also been on their IRC and chatted to their President and citizens who are very amiable.

- I am going to turn my attension to Mexico my next ambassadorship and start of in the same way i did with Finland.

Contact Darragh O Foalain if you would like to become an Ambassador. I highly recommend it as it increases your knowledge of the eWorld and you meet new friends.

III. Other Things

- I have a company for sale here.Its a Q1 gift company in Portugal with 2 licenses, 74 Raw materials and 19 in Portuguese currency.

Selling for 25G, a bargain as its worth over 40G

- Also if anyone would like to be involved in recruitment please contact me or just send referall links over Facebook, MSN, Bebo or whatever floats your boat

Thank you for Reading (Sorry no graphics today)

Niall H