Recruitment Effort - Updates

Day 693, 15:22 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
Ok as many of you may know, alot of effort has been put into recruitment lately. There has been now at least 20 new citizens a day. Thanks to the efforts from the Ian Arbuckle, 5n4keyes, buddysilver and LordoIrish to make sure erepublik is posted about on irish sites.

The best form of promotion is word of mouth, get onto your facebook, twitter, bebo or whatever chatsites you use (excluding the IRC smartypants) and start talking about eRepublik!

I have posted all the sites i have recruited on so far along with the message i used, feel free to post the ones you have done.Also suggestions of sites would be good please suggest them here on the new section of the forums Kolshire kindly created. (Link thing isnt working :/)

Now im calling on you as citizens of eIreland to stand up and do your duty. By inviting a friend you get 5g when they reach level 6, isn't that enough of a incentive?

Thanks for Reading, now act upon this.

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Congressman of Saoise
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland